Understanding Pain Biology in Elders Across Time
Purpose of the Study
This study aims to investigate the relationship between the brain and aging as it relates to mobility. Specifically, we aim to see whether an individual’s pain and brain structure predict a decline in mobility over time. Additionally, we are interested in studying how pain affects the aging population’s biology, social structure, and psychological well-being.
Who is Eligible?
The participant pool comprises 65-year-old and older community-dwelling men and women from all ethnicities, races, and demographics.
What will Happen if I Participate?
The duration of this study is over two years, with a total of 10 on-campus visits within those two years. Participants will meet with researchers on the UF campus to measure their perception of vibration, pressure, temperature, and other physical sensations. Within these sessions, participants can also provide information on their thinking, social activities, and other behaviors related to their day-to-day.
We provide hourly compensation and complimentary parking vouchers. Each visit should last between three to five hours.
Contact Information
Feel free to contact our team at (352) 294-8582. Alternatively, you can email us at ufpain-lab@dental.ufl.edu.
Research Team
Principal Investigators: Ph.D. , Yenisel Cruz-Almeida, MSPH, Ph.D., Stephen A Coombes
Study Coordinator: Laurel Deaton, Carson Gordon